Fountain Park
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Rock Hill’s newest attraction, Fountain Park, 300 E. Main Street, officially opened in December 2014. The highlight of the park is one of the tallest fountains in the world, reaching over 100 ft. high. The fountain is a 90 ft. x 70 ft. modified quatrefoil design with 16 inches of water depth. The recirculating fountain holds approximately 50,000 gallons of water with 16 feature pumps totaling 318 horsepower. There are 144 jets in five nozzle groups, all of which are governed by an anemometer to limit heights in windy conditions. The center nozzle will spray up to 100 feet in height, using 1,000 gallons of water. If all nozzles run as high as possible, the recirculating fountain will put 10,000 gallons of water in the air per minute. Artistic elements conceived by Rock Hill school students into design features at Fountain Park were incorporated as well. Students presented ideas to a panel; Winthrop arts staff refined concepts; and park contractors produced the pieces for integration into the park.
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Join us at Sunset Park Elementary School on Wednesday for a local subcontractor outreach event. We are seeking subcontractors in York County to review and submit bids for the new Sunset Park Elementary School. MBE/DBE certified subcontractor participation is highly encouraged. Questions can be sent to